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Home From Kandinsky to Pollock. The priceless collection of the Guggenheim Alexander Calder. Gong red yellow and blue, 1951. Painted sheet metal and wire, cm 135 x 220 x 170. Venice, International Gallery of Modern Art, Ca 'Pesaro. Donated by the artist, 1952

Alexander Calder. Gong red yellow and blue, 1951. Painted sheet metal and wire, cm 135 x 220 x 170. Venice, International Gallery of Modern Art, Ca ‘Pesaro. Donated by the artist, 1952

Wassily Kandinsky. Dominant curve, 1936. Oil on canvas. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. Solomon R. Guggenheim Founding Collection, New York / Ph. Kristopher McKay

Alexander Calder. Gong red yellow and blue, 1951. Painted sheet metal and wire, cm 135 x 220 x 170. Venice, International Gallery of Modern Art, Ca ‘Pesaro. Donated by the artist, 1952

Francis Bacon. Study for chimpanzees, 1957. Oil and pastel on canvas, cm 152.4 x 117. Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice / Ph. David Heald © The Estate of Francis Bacon / All rights reserved / by SIAE 2016
André Masson. The armor, 1925. Oil on canvas. Peggy Guggenheim Collection. Venice / Ph. David Heald © André Masson by SIAE 2016